
Marketplace Connecting

  • Personalized Product, Service & Booking Solution
  • Engaging UI/UX experience
  • Collaborate your offline business sales online
  • Online community of local store owners

Vendor Registration

With GoMarkz’s vendor attribute manager plugin, you can create customized seller registration forms. Each vendor is allotted with a separate enrollment form to register their business with the marketplace store.

  • The admin can create, add, or reject vendors to their online store.

  • The admin can create any number of custom vendor attributes including seller details, shop registration number, logo, etc.

  • The admin can edit and customize the visibility of vendor attributes.

  • The admin sets an agreement with the seller such as commission rate, privacy policy, terms & conditions.


Vendor Dashboard

After the registration process, the admin has the authority to activate or deactivate the vendor account. Once activated, seller logins and are accessed to a dedicated dashboard where they can start setting up their store.

  • The vendor can easily manage their store inventory.

  • The vendor dashboard comprises order status, sales, and revenue report.

  • Sellers can attract shoppers with the best selling products.

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